Who Is Tour Guide Tootsie?

Who in the world is Tour Guide Tootsie?  Well, Tour Guide Tootsie is anyone and everyone in a sense; “she” is a persona each member of our family has adopted as they’ve been tasked with planning excursions in the places we travel to. My first urge to begin discovering the places around me came after a job transfer moved me from a city I thought I knew, yet I had rarely explored. I promised myself I’d be more diligent about seeing what was around me both at home and on the road. When me became we, it became a great opportunity to share these experiences as a family. Tour Guide Tootsie began small, and as my kids grew, so did “she”. At first, I began planning staycation days to view our town as tourists.  As we expanded our borders, we would visit typical tourist attractions or favorites among locals. As my kids have gotten older, we take turns planning outings. Trips were quickly characterized by “who’s tour guide tootsie this time?”. It is a role that we all enjoy and allows us to see and learn so much about the world around us. Tour Guide Tootsie was our gateway to adventure. What’s yours?

The world is a book and if you do not travel, you read only one page – St. Augustine

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