2020 Vision:

Oprah is on the move and she’s as good as you remember! I bought a ticket to the 2020 Vision tour for her stop in Atlanta. FYI, It’s a day-long event, a pretty important detail that was overlooked in the ticket information when I made my purchase!

Let me say, the ticket is well worth the money. 2020 Vision is a workshop dedicated to helping everyone create a plan to build a life in which the mind, body and spirit are in balance. Upon arrival, each seat held a goody bag with Oprah’s name. It had a workbook filled with exercises for the day. There were also some samples of products and a voucher for lunch. Nice touch!

The day was great! The morning session was filled with Oprah talking and sharing stories in a lecture format, as always though, she’s inspiring. The foundation for the day is identifying one word that will become your “2020 Vision”. She then takes you through supporting exercises with and without the workbook to help create the focus necessary to transform your “word” into your manifesto for 2020. During the afternoon session, she has a guest speaker and continues to share more about herself and how she ended up where she is. I’ve broken the day down into more detail below.

Great music greeted us when we arrived at State Farm Arena in Atlanta. Shortly after 9:00, the day started with some dancing and motivational words provided by Daybreaker. Their goal: “to ignite all five senses and dance with reckless abandon, sober, first thing in the morning.” This lasted about an hour and got everyone out of their seat and fully engaged!

Around 10:00, Oprah took the stage. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard Oprah speak, and let me tell you, she’s exactly as you remember. Despite all of her fame and fortune she is still so relatable. She’s been away from the spotlight for years, and I’d forgotten just how great she is! She came out on stage, and it was just like the old days with her show. She was immediately at ease talking to me (and 12,000 other “me”s) like my best friend would. It’s amazing, really, how someone with so much brings it all back to the most basic thing that we all share, the human condition. We are a work in progress, and Oprah would be the first to say that she is too. This is a life long journey-one we are all on together, and we are better for sharing, learning from and helping each other.

A brief break during the morning session was a short meditation led by Jesse Isreal from The Big Quiet. He kicks off the session with some basic guidelines for the mediation and a reminder to be gentle with ourselves; this is a process! Pretty cool to sit with 12,000 people in near silence and a great way to refocus for the balance of the morning.

The session breaks for a lunch that’s included with your ticket. Following lunch, Julianne Hough comes on stage to get everyone out of their seats and moving again. By the time Oprah returns to the stage, everyone’s re-energized for the afternoon session. The afternoon is comprised of a guest speaker or Visionary, interviewed by Oprah and more sharing that’s geared to motivate even the least interested attendee! The guest speakers change with each location; Dwayne Johnson was the Atlanta guest. He shared stories about his life, how he’s dealing with the recent passing of his father and his secrets for success. A great interview, and of course, motivational!!

As great as Oprah is, at no time does she sugar-coat things and pretend that life isn’t hard. She calls out her own difficult times, both public and private, and shares deeply personal stories. Some I had heard, and some I hadn’t. You walk away knowing that she has worked hard both in her craft and in her soul to be where she is now. I highly recommend attending one of these, if you are able. There’s probably very little here that I haven’t heard at some point, yet there’s so much to be gained from having it consolidated into one day. Thanks, Oprah for giving me an excuse to dedicate a whole day to me (and ultimately the people in my life). It is something that I NEVER do.

Take Care Of YOU!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through a link on this page, I may get a commission, at no cost to you. Any recommendations that I make are for products or services I have personally used and highly recommend.

Take Care/Of or simply Care/Of is a customizable vitamin supplier. They ask that you take a short quiz to identify areas of concern then recommend vitamins.

Tootsie’s Bottom Line:

  • Link to Main Page for Vitamins: Care/of
  • Link to Prenatal Vitamin Page: Quality prenatal vitamins at Care/of
  • Cost: About $35 for a 30-day supply of vitamins customized for you
  • Opinion: Really impressed with the vitamin combination I received. I have a ton of energy, sleeping great and overall feel fantastic!
  • Daily packets have your name and an “Interesting Fact”; recommended to be taken with a meal
  • Overall Impression: Incredible! Outstanding product design, presentation, ease of use and ability to adjust as needed
Brochure with details about daily vitamins

I am super excited to share this! I have to be honest though. While the vitamin world is intriguing, and I occasionally get jazzed about vitamins to supplement my diet with the right things, I’m inevitably overwhelmed by the offerings in the grocery/health food store or online. I found Care/of through a search for something a little more personalized for my needs and want to share my experience.

Please know that I am a sucker for great marketing, and these guys have it down! I’m sharing a bunch of pictures because I’m so impressed with the product that I received. They specialize in customizing vitamins for YOUR needs. In order to do that, you complete a quiz about your health issues, concerns, and goals. You’ll need to share your name, age, location, and email(of course).

Assessment asking what you’d like to get support for

When you go to the site, you’ll select the the things that you need the vitamins or powders to help with. See the screen shot above. For each of the areas that you pick, you’ll be asked a handful of questions for more specific information about your needs and goals. Once you complete the survey, you’ll be presented with recommendations along with a description of why those are being recommended.

I took advantage of an offer on the landing page to get my first month’s supply. In order to save some money, I only ordered the pills and decided to give that a try before diving in and doing the powders as well. I’d already been taking some of what was recommended, and some were totally new to me. They also offer free shipping over $20!

The package arrived about a week later, and I was blown away! They’ve created a compact container with the vitamins in biodegradable daily packages (how great is that?!?!) and a brochure explaining the benefits of each of the vitamins included and the recommended powders. Each vitamin pack has my name on the front and a cute daily phrase/fact.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking: packaging is great, but what are the results? Totally impressed! I have been taking my daily dose each morning for a couple of weeks and feel fantastic. My energy is great; I don’t have the afternoon slump that I’d indicated in my survey. As far as the impact of the other vitamins, well, I can’t see if they’re helping. What I can see and feel, I’m truly impressed with. To be honest, I didn’t think vitamins could really make a difference; I looked at them as a nice supplement to my diet. I’m going to stick with my current regimen, and if my needs change, I’ll retake the survey to make the necessary adjustments. Care of has really got something here!

Please be aware that this is a subscription service that you can cancel or pause at any time. If you don’t want the next month’s supply, you’ll need to go to your account and take the appropriate action (see below). Your quiz results are associated with your profile, so you can take a break if needed. To do this, go to Account Settings–>Your Plan–>Pause. You’ll be asked why you want to “pause”. If you choose cost, you’ll be offered the opportunity to reduce some of the recommended vitamins.

If you’re interested, be sure to sign up for the initial offer, and give this awesome product a try. I hope your experience is as great as mine has been! Let me know your thoughts once you’ve tried them!

Who is Tour Guide Tootsie?

Who in the world is Tour Guide Tootsie? Well, Tour Guide Tootsie is anyone and everyone in a sense; she is a persona each member of our family has adopted as they’ve been tasked with planning excursions in the cities we travel to. My first urge to begin discovering the places around me came after a job transfer moving me from a city, I thought I knew, yet I had rarely explored. I promised myself I’d be more diligent about seeing what was around me both at home and on the road. When me became we, it became a great opportunity to share these experiences as a family. Tour Guide Tootsie began small, and as my kids grew, so did she. At first, I began planning staycation days to view our town as tourists, but as we began to expand our borders, we would visit typical tourist attractions or favorites among locals. As my kids have gotten older, we take turns planning outings. Trips were quickly characterized by “who’s tour guide tootsie this time?”. It is a role that we all enjoy and allows us to see and learn so much about the world around us. Tour Guide Tootsie was our gateway to adventure. What’s yours?